Believe it or not, people have actually been reading this blog. Some have even gone a step further and written in. Thanks to everyone who has enjoyed a tale.
Now, on to the mailbag.
Our first missive comes all the way from Toronto, Canada. Fairley, yes that is his name, says
"Greetings from Canada! Where can I find women who will greet me naked when I walk in? Please use my name."
Well..Fairley..., I've only been to Canada once, and that was Montreal. However, I am sure that Toronto has street corners similar to many US cities, where you can find women who will do that and more for an agreed upon amount of currency. You also might want to consider using your middle name.
JC in Mississippi writes, "Keep them coming. I am really enjoying this."
You're welcome. I see I will have to continue subjecting myself to public ridicule in order to keep you smiling. I will, of course, remember this when I pick out your retirement home.
L from Winter Park writes, "My wife went to South Carolina, but she will still pull for "Climpson". Just for you."
Your wife would betray her school? For little old me? Is she nuts?
S from across the hall says, "You really need to quit fooling around and finish that project."
It's been on your desk a week. Moron.
H in Georgia volunteers this, "You sound like a really nice guy. I am planning to be in Orlando this Christmas, and I'd like to meet you."
Thanks H, I appreciate the thought, but, just going by the picture you included in your e-mail, I know a guy in Canada who would love to meet you.
S in Orlando sends this one, "Dude, you have the worst luck."
Wow, glad I'm not paying you for that brilliant observation.
K in Orlando tells us, "I remember that walk up the stairs. I thought you were going to pass out. I still thought it was just super cute the way you walked me all the way home."
Thanks K, my parents did raise me right, although they are looking at a cut rate retirement double-wide if they keep it up.
That's it for now, Keep those comments coming to